Special Treatments/Life Style Disorders


The Ayurvedic system understands the functioning of human body as a whole and any disease is understood to be due to imbalance of Tridoshas –Vata, Pitta and Kapha . Ayurveda offers various methods to manage life style disorders by following Dhinacharya(Daily regimen),Ritucharya(Seasonal regimen),Panchakarma(Five detoxification and bio-purification therapies) or with the help of Rasayanas(Rejuvenation).Ayurveda addresses all the problems come under the category of Lifestyle Diseases with time-tested methodologies.

The management of the condition is with effective Ayurvedic therapies, herbal internal medicines, Yoga, Pranayama, etc. and directed towards correcting the problems as well as to prevent all the possible complications. After analyzing the basic constitution and the existing health problems of the individual proper food and lifestyle advises with necessary follow up will be provided.

Some of the life style disorders that is included under the concerned are

Brain fog

Brain Fog is present most of the time, meaning it does not come and go. The term fog is used because it feels like a cloud is obstructing the mental clarity.The causes of Brain fog include physical,emotional,biochemical factors and fatigue.


  1. Forgetfulness
  2. Confusion
  3. Discouragement
  4. Depression
  5. Tiredness
  6. Difficulty thinking
  7. Poor concentration
  8. Difficulty focusing
  9. Difficulty completing tasks

Functional weakness

Functional weakness is weakness of an arm or leg due to the nervous system not working properly. People with functional weakness experience symptoms of limb weakness which can be disabling and frightening. Symptoms for the discomforts are:

  1. Heaviness down one side of their boy
  2. Dropping things
  3. Feeling that a limb/part of the body is disconnected from them, doesn’t feel normal or part of them.

Orthopaedic Problems

The modern hi tech life has its comforts but it also accounts for the steep rise in the orthopaedic complaints of the present day. It accounts for the epidemic proportions of cases of low back ache, joint disorders, degenerative diseases that we find around us. The common risk factors attributing to the orthopaedic complaints are:-

These factors when combined with a strong family history along with some immediate cause surface in the form of backache, pain in limbs, malaise etc.The commonest among these complaints is backache and It is the result of bad posture and weak muscles.

Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to get or keep an erection for sexual intercourse. ED can be defined as the total inability to achieve erection an inconsistent ability to do so,or tendency to sustain only brief erections. It is also described as the inability to finish sexual intercourse due to lack of penile erection. Causes for ED are

Physical factors

Psychological factors

Stress significantly impairs spermatogenesis and sperm function, which may lead to ED


Gastritis means inflammation of the mucus lining of the stomach. Patients suffering from chronic Gastritis feel uneasy and uncomfortable during most of the day, and might also experience a persistent feeling of weakness.

The main causative factors of chronic Gastritis include excessive consumption of alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, sour, spicy, acidic foods and white flour products. Stress, anger and exposure to heat also lead to the aggravation of this condition. Conditions due to gastritis are:

  1. Indigestion (dyspepsia)
  2. Abdominal pain
  3. Hiccups
  4. Nausea
  5. Vomiting
  6. Dark stools
  7. Heartburn
  8. Loss of appetite

Hair loss

The present generation is so much worried about hair loss as hair is the style statement for many youngsters.In Ayurveda, hair is the byproduct of bone tissue. In-fact hair fall is the initial symptom of osteoporotic change.Even hair may fall due to peeling of scalp layer or due to loose hair follicles. Patchy hair loss in the scalp is known as Alopecia & when it is wide spread its called as Baldness. Too much intake of salt,sourand spicy (Pungent) taste food items makes hair follicles loosened & hair sheds. In day-today life we are not aware of excess salt entering body in the form of foods.Excess uses of cool drinks are usually acidic which makes too much phosphorous to combine with less calcium resulting in osteoporotic changes.

Premature grey hair

Graying of hair according to age is a common phenomenon but due to drastic changes in today's life style and environmental pollution lead to untimely (premature) graying of hair, now a day it has become a burning issue, especially in young generation. It occurs in two ways. Primary one is normal and second is abnormal phenomenon.According to W.H.O. incidence of premature graying of hair is common in age group of 25-30 years. In ayurvedic system of medicine it is described as "akalapalitya" means graying of hairs before 32 years of age (Taruna stage), which is caused by excess of ushnaguna of pitta. There are four main reasons. First one is dietary (Aharaja), second one is life style (viharaja), third one is psychological (mansik) & fourth one is other reason or unknown (adibalapravritta).Conditions of premature graying are :

Obesity and Hyperlipidemia

In the present era of modernization and fast life, techniques have made people busy hence living stressful life. People are taking more junk and fatty foods, cold drinks, consumption of fast foods having high calories. Availability of every comfort of living has reduced physical activity thus increase in body fats along with cholesterol in the body, which invites the disorders like Obesity, Dyslipidemia, Hypertension, heart disease, etc. Obesity, Hyperlipidemia is recognized as one of the greatest risk factors for coronary artery diseases as well as ischemic heart disease (IHD).Hyperlipidemia is abnormally elevated levels of any or all lipids or lipoproteins in the blood. It is the most common form of dyslipidemia (which includes any abnormal lipid levels). These are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in developed and developing countries and leading health problems in India also. Obesity is a metabolic disorder, generally occurring in affluent societies, because of imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure. Excessive indulgence in oily and fatty food, sedentary life style, mental factors along with genetic pre-disposition play a major role in the cause of obesity. It is associated with mortality and predisposes to the development of fatal diseases like- Diabetes, Hypertension, M.I, etc. This is a nutritional and metabolic disorder. Several factors like physical, behavioral, cultural, metabolic, genetic factors are related to obesity.